SGI Octane III

Mercoledì 23 Settembre 2009, 22:20

dal sito web SGI: "Octane III takes high performance computing out of the data center and puts it at the deskside. It combines the immense power and performance capabilities of a high-performance cluster with the portability and usability of a workstation to enable a new era of personal innovation in strategic science, research, development and visualization. In contrast with standard 2P workstations with only eight cores and moderate memory capacity, Octane III's superior design permits up to 80 high-performance cores and nearly 1TB of memory. Octane III significantly accelerates time-to-results for over 50 HPC applications and supports the latest Intel® processors to capitalize on greater levels of performance, flexibility and scalability. Pre-configured with system software, cluster set up is a breeze".  Magari le venderanno anche al supermercato...

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Augmented Reality con Google Earth

Giovedì 17 Settembre 2009, 19:07

I ricercatori del Georgia Institute of Technology hanno utilizzato immagini tridimensionali tratte da Google Earth per aggiungere video live allo scenario. L'aggiunta di riprese reali ai modelli generati al computer è un tipo di tecnologia conosciuta come augmented reality. I ricercatori statunitensi stanno per rilasciare un paper sul loro lavoro, ma al momento hanno già rilasciato un video su YouTube per mostrare alcuni risultati.

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CityEngine 2009.2: Sustainable Urban Planning of Megacities

Giovedì 17 Settembre 2009, 00:13

Zürich, Switzerland – September 15th, 2009 – Procedural Inc. today announced the CityEngine 2009.2, the latest version of its groundbreaking software for the fast creation, visualization and analysis of large 3D cities. The software is used by high-profile companies such as Foster+Partners, Microsoft, Navteq, Boeing, IBM, Thales, Blizzard, Square Enix, etc. and was awarded Killer Technology 2009 by 3D World magazine.

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Dal 2004 questo piccolo angolo di rete raccoglie gli interessi di ricerca e i lavori di sperimentazione digitale di Simone Garagnani in materia di cultura geek, ma soprattutto di Building Information Modeling, rilievi digitali ad alta risoluzione e computer graphics legata al mondo dell'architettura, dell'ingegneria e delle costruzioni. TC Project, è presente anche sul social network Facebook.


Welcome to these pages that host since 2004 Simone Garagnani's personal blog, a collection of nerd notes and geek experiences focused sometimes on Building Information Modeling, terrestrial laser scanning, digital photogrammetry and computer graphics applied to the AEC world. The TC Project is also available on Facebook.

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GreenSpider plug-in for Autodesk Revit

Free download here (latest release)



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    Ultimi commenti

    Trevor Dwyer (VIC-20 The friend…): Hi there, I feel your pain on updates and the internet not being the same these days – well since 199…
    SiliconSimon (Cray-1 - The home…): If someone is interested in my little Cray’s files, please PM me since I do not often read comments o…
    SiliconSimon (Cray-1 - The home…): Of course Mike, I sent you a PM!
    Robert (Cray-1 - The home…): If it’s possible, I would love to get the files from you for this project. I have a Cray-1 chip sitti…
    Mike (Cray-1 - The home…): Are the files still available?
    MojaMonkey (SGI VW540 @ TC La…): Hi Simon? This is a long shot but I was wondering if you have a copy of the SGI drivers required to…


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