GreenSpider goes academic

Sabato 20 Luglio 2013, 07:56

The importance of BIM in existing architectures, as I often discussed, is becoming more and more admitted. So, I'm very happy to ascertain this peculiar aspect is beginning to be explored in the academic field as well as in practices. 

Angeliki Bregianni's Revit model Vault modeled by A. Bregianni using GreenSpiderGreenSpider is only a modest tool aimed to ease these researches, and it proves to be useful in some cases: Dr. Angeliki Bregianni, for example, used GreenSpider successfully modeling some vaults in her Diplomas Thesis entitled "BIM Development for Cultural Heritage Management", supervised by Prof. A. Georgopoulos (National Technical University of Athens) and Prof. R. Brumana (Politecnico di Milano), at the Faculty of Rural and Surveying Engineering.

Excellent work Angeliki! The whole theme, pertaining an historical church survey and its BIM semantic modeling, was dealt with clearly obtaining wonderful results, not only in parts modeled with GreenSpider.

Different purpose but great results as well in Luca Nazzari's Degreee Thesis in Architectural Engineering, entitled "Ingegnerizzazione del processo architettonico: progetto di un impianto sportivo nell’area Prati di Caprara a Bologna", supervised by Prof. R. Mingucci, Prof. A. Erioli, and me. Luca defended his thesis a couple of days ago in Bologna, proving how complex morphologies generated by Rhino+Grasshopper can be imported in Revit environment using GreenSpider. Nice!


Some screenshots by L. Nazzari in the gallery (click to enlarge).



Dal 2004 questo piccolo angolo di rete raccoglie gli interessi di ricerca e i lavori di sperimentazione digitale di Simone Garagnani in materia di cultura geek, ma soprattutto di Building Information Modeling, rilievi digitali ad alta risoluzione e computer graphics legata al mondo dell'architettura, dell'ingegneria e delle costruzioni. TC Project, è presente anche sul social network Facebook.


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GreenSpider plug-in for Autodesk Revit

Free download here (latest release)



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