My Dinky Toys' Space 1999 Eagle restoration project
Episode II

My restoration project keeps going, dismantling at first the old toy. Since I was a child I wondered why Dinky decided to paint these amazing die-cast models with such an infamous colors, mybe due to some marketing choices or some paint remainings from the Ufo Shado line. In fact in the early 1970's, Dinky Toys produced an Interceptor toy as well, which for some reason was painted green!
Let's dive into the second part of my chronicle...
It is fascinating how this little, amazing toy arrived to present day challenging time. When I was very young I was thrilled, somehow scared, by the Space 1999 TV series. Now I got myself a Blueray edition of the first season and I am mesmerized by those sci-fi so good produced episodes.
Time to remake the paintjob for my small Eagle, waiting for Alan Carter to fly it! So I spent the whole afternoon removing the scratched paint with some good gel chemical remover and preparing metal pieces with sand paper and a first hand of light grey primer.
The landing gears in the transporters pod are completely missing so I decided to 3D model some spares and printing them with my DaVinci 1.1 3D Printer. Here you can find a STL file for the landing gears whilehere you can find a sligtly modified engine nozzles' frame.
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Dal 2004 questo piccolo angolo di rete raccoglie gli interessi di ricerca e i lavori di sperimentazione digitale di Simone Garagnani in materia di cultura geek, ma soprattutto di Building Information Modeling, rilievi digitali ad alta risoluzione e computer graphics legata al mondo dell'architettura, dell'ingegneria e delle costruzioni. TC Project, è presente anche sul social network Facebook.
Welcome to these pages that host since 2004 Simone Garagnani's personal blog, a collection of nerd notes and geek experiences focused sometimes on Building Information Modeling, terrestrial laser scanning, digital photogrammetry and computer graphics applied to the AEC world. The TC Project is also available on Facebook.
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Trevor Dwyer (VIC-20 The friend…): Hi there, I feel your pain on updates and the internet not being the same these days – well since 199…SiliconSimon (Cray-1 - The home…): If someone is interested in my little Cray’s files, please PM me since I do not often read comments o…
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